Our leadership team is aware of industry fluctuations, the complications of COVID-19, and other challenges. Our focus is not on the problems.
Clients hire Offshore Inspection Group because we focus on solutions and get the job done. Our experienced leaders consolidate business needs to reduce errors, strengthen information management, improve safety, and control costs. We are 100% committed to our clients, to the industry, and to the energy needs of our world.
Our leaders have developed Offshore Inspection Group, Inc. from a conversational ambition to an international corporation in Houston and Singapore.
Across the globe Offshore inspection Group delivers
- Client oversight services for the energy industry 100%
- Independent and accurate rig valuation surveys to clients, insurers, interested purchasing bodies, and vessel/cargo owners 100%
- Expert witness testimony in litigation arising from failures involving drilling vessels, equipment, cargo, and financial matters 100%
- Rig excellence training for corporate procedures, equipment operations, and specific matters 100%
Kelly McClelland
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President
Prior to co-founding Offshore Inspection Group, Kelly served for thirty years in banking and finance, assisting oil and gas corporations. Kelly held positions of Vice President, Treasury Manager and Project Manager at Post Oak Bank, and Vice President of International Sales, International Business Consulting, and Product Management at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. working with mid- and large-size energy clients to develop global financial solutions. Kelly also served in the treasury department for Noble Drilling Corporation, Browning-Ferris Industries, and Enterra Petroleum Group.
In May 2017 Kelly was awarded the Department of Homeland Security, USGC Public Service Commendation Award for work performed as a member of the National Offshore Safety Council.
Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Information Science, Technology in Information Technology Management from the University of Phoenix (United States).
Don McClelland
Executive Vice President, Chief Technical Officer
Don brings over 45 years of experience in the offshore industry with dynamic positioning (DP), subsea and drilling equipment, vessel inspections, factory acceptance testing, construction, and commissioning. Prior to co-founding Offshore Inspection Group, Don provided technical services for KCA, Global Marine, Maersk Drilling, Neddrill/Noble Drilling Corporation, BP, Shell, Chevron, Global Maritime, and DNV.
Don earned a City & Guilds Technical Certificate in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from Watford Technical College, Hertfordshire (England), and an honorary Bachelor of Science, Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Oregon University (United States).
Gordon Gillies
For sixteen years Gordon has served as a Global Operational Performance NSA Business Advisor for Valaris plc. Gordon has over 45 years in oil field drilling operations working on a variety of rigs—including dynamic positioning (DP) drill ships, semisubmersibles, DP harsh environment jack-ups, tender rigs, and drilling rigs—in all aspects of operations: from new builds to shipyards; cold stacking; taking rigs out of cold stacking and back into operations; and rig modifications, repairs and upgrades. Prior to his current position, Gordon worked his way up through the ranks at a variety of companies, including Maersk Contractors and Smedvig Offshore A.S. Norway.
Gordon’s career has focused on embracing and promoting safe working techniques and practices in rig operations. For over a decade, Gordon served as Rigs Excellence Coach for Ensco plc (now Valaris plc). In his role as Director for Offshore Inspection Group, Gordon provides rig excellence training in technical operations and safety management systems.
Charles J. McHardy
Charles is a Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist with International Registries, Inc. (IRI). IRI and its affiliates provide administrative and technical support to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Registries. The principal role that Charles currently fills with IRI is as a member of the Marshall Islands permanent delegation to the International Maritime Organisation (IOM) in London.
Prior to IRI, Charles spent 30 years with DNV (now DNV GL), culminating in his position as Director of Maritime Operations for the US Gulf Coast District. Charles’ experience with DNV encompassed working with fixed offshore installations, mobile offshore units, ships, diving systems and various levels of management, including serving as a member of the DNV senior management council. Before joining DNV, Charles served as a marine engineer and also as a steelwork manager, building tankers and semi-submersibles at a major shipyard.
Charles earned an Honors Degree in Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture from the University of Strathclyde (Scotland), as well as a National Diploma in Marine Engineering from the Glasgow College of Nautical Studies (Scotland).
Dr. Malcolm Sharples
Malcolm is President of Offshore Risk & Technology Consulting Inc., USA.
He also works as a consultant to major oil companies on regulatory compliance and management of risk issues. With over 45 years’ experience in offshore oil and gas exploration and production projects, Malcolm focuses primarily on technical risk analyses for financial and insurance interests, regulatory compliance and accident investigations. Prior to his current positions, he headed the worldwide offshore business for American Bureau of Shipping as Vice President (six years) and President of Noble Denton & Associates Inc. His research includes contracts for Minerals Management Service of the Department of the Interior (USA) on hurricane incident analyses, and developing recommended requirements for offshore wind farms.
Malcolm holds a Bachelor of Engineering Science from the University of Western Ontario (now Western University, Canada) and a PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Cambridge; he is a registered Professional Engineer; a Fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE); and past Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers. He served on the Board of Keppel Offshore & Marine for 15 years, and on the Board of the Offshore Energy Center.
Travis McClelland
Currently a Division Controller for R360 Environmental Solutions LLC, over the past five years Travis has served in increasingly responsible accounting positions for Waste Connections Inc. and its subsidiary R360 Environmental Solutions LLC. Prior to this period, Travis worked for six years as the Senior Financial Analyst for Offshore Inspection Group, Inc., assisting with developing the infrastructure for financial standardization and reporting processes as the corporation took form.
Travis holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, Economics and Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas (Houston, United States).
We work closely with clients to offer improvement in their operations, financial, safety-related, and environmental decisions while helping them achieve their project goals. We also provide accurate and expedient rig valuation assessments to insurance and financial institutions. Offshore Inspection Group is 100% committed to the success of client operations.
We meet the needs of clients and help to maintain vessels and equipment per OEM and regulatory compliance. We successfully collaborate with industry standards organizations, regulatory bodies, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), oil companies, and drilling companies to manage industry issues and drive solutions.
We are committed to protecting the health and safety of everyone who plays a part in our operations. We conduct our business with respect and care for both the local and global environments, and systematically manage risks to drive sustainable business growth.
We are committed to doing the right thing for the right reason the first time. Our work is conducted utilizing technologies that increase efficiencies and safety measures while decreasing environmental effects. It’s not just our philosophy, it’s our way of doing business. Offshore Inspection Group is solution driven for a better future.®